Leviton 任命 Daryoush Larizadeh 为首席执行官

立维腾今天宣布任命 Daryoush Larizadeh 为首席执行官,自 2021 年 12 月 1 日起生效。Larizadeh 将继续担任总裁兼首席运营官,并担任首席执行官一职。

在过去的六年里,Larizadeh 一直担任立维腾总裁兼首席运营官,负责监督立维腾的持续增长,并在公司成功的历史和创新文化的基础上发展。

Hendler 说:“Daryoush 对立维腾作为总裁兼首席运营官的成功发挥了关键作用,并在帮助我们的员工和客户应对全球大流行方面发挥了关键作用。” “Daryoush 久经考验的表现和领导能力将继续塑立维腾作为创新企业的未来,”Hendler 说。Larizadeh 接替了 Hendler 的首席执行官一职,Hendler 自 2007 年哈罗德·列维顿 (Harold Leviton) 去世后一直担任首席执行官一职。哈罗德·莱维顿 (Harold Leviton) 的父亲于 1906 年创立了该公司。Larizadeh 成为公司 115 年前成立以来的第四位首席执行官。

“我很荣幸也很谦虚地在一家建立在悠久而成功的创新历史上的公司担任首席执行官一职,”Larizadeh 表示。“作为总裁兼首席运营官与 Don 密切合作为我提供了无与伦比的学习体验,我很高兴能够在 Don 和我们的前两位首席执行官在我们 115 年的存在中建立的遗产基础上再接再厉。”

同样自 2021 年 12 月 1 日起生效,亨德勒将担任董事会主席一职。上次担任此职位的斯蒂芬·索科洛 (Stephen Sokolow) 将成为董事会名誉主席,同时继续担任公司的执行副总裁。

立维腾董事会保持不变,Hendler、Sokolow、Andrew Kriegman 和 Lucy Guilherme 继续履行目前的职责。Daryoush Larizadeh 作为首席执行官将继续向 Leviton 董事会报告。



MELVILLE, N.Y., December 1, 2021 – Leviton announced today the appointment of Daryoush Larizadeh to Chief Executive Officer, effective as of December 1, 2021. Larizadeh will continue his responsibilities as President and COO, in addition to assuming the CEO role.

In his current capacity, Larizadeh has been President and COO of Leviton for the past six years, overseeing Leviton’s continued growth and building on the company’s successful history and culture of innovation.

“Daryoush has been instrumental to Leviton’s success as President and COO and played a pivotal role in helping to navigate our employees and customers through a global pandemic,” said Hendler. “Daryoush’s proven performance and leadership skills will continue to shape Leviton’s future as an innovative leader in the industry,” Hendler stated. Larizadeh assumes the role of CEO from Hendler who held the title since 2007 following the passing of Harold Leviton, whose father founded the company in 1906. Larizadeh becomes only the fourth CEO since the company’s founding 115 years ago.

“I am honored and humbled to take on the role of CEO at a company that’s been built on a long and successful history of innovation,” Larizadeh expressed. “Working closely alongside Don as President and COO has provided me with an unparalleled learning experience, and I am excited to build on the legacy that Don and our two previous CEOs have built during our 115 years of existence.”

Also effective December 1, 2021, Hendler will assume the role of Chairman of the Board. Stephen Sokolow, who last held this position, will become Chairman of the Board Emeritus while remaining an Executive Vice President of the Corporation.

The Leviton board remains unchanged with Hendler, Sokolow, Andrew Kriegman and Lucy Guilherme continuing in their current responsibilities. As CEO, Daryoush Larizadeh will continue to report to the Leviton Board of Directors .



发布时间:2021-12-01 09:45